Friday, April 1, 2011

Cusco: Other major attractions near the city of Cusco

4 .- Other major attractions near the city of Cusco.


Following the path to the east of the city on the road to Puno, at km 125 is Raqchi population, which belongs to the district of San Pedro de Cacha Canchis province. Raqchi is located on the left bank of the river Vilcanota at a height of 3500 mts., apparently pre-Columbian name was "Cacha"and not "Raqchi" unknown origin and correct pronunciation, the evidence indicates that Raqchi was a complex population with multiple constructions of various kinds, including farming terraces, "kanchas", "wayranas", "qolqas, various temples, religious sources, etc., was possibly a major dairy farm on the way to the Collasuyo.

Within the complex, highlighting the presence of so-called "Temple of Wiraqocha", which according to tradition was ordered to be built by the Inka Wiraqocha in honor of the invisible God of the Andean High: Apu Kon Titi Wiraqocha. Pedro Cieza de Leon picked up the tradition that states that the temple was built after the appearance in place of a man who worked miracles, but the locals had decided to stone him, to go after him they found him kneeling with hands stretched out the sky and immediately after a rain of fire fell, repentant men left him, the strange man went to sea and sank in the waters disappearing forever. Inside the church with a nave there are two different portions corresponding to the two stages of construction, separated by the current arch, the oldest Moorish style and embellished (architectural style that blends elements Arabs and Christians, developed between the XIII to XVI centuries) is at the bottom where is the altar, the late portion is toward the entrance or to the front, that's the reason why the church has two pulpits, the oldest is below the transverse arch and late on the opposite wall further out.
A tremendous amount of frescoes lining the walls and especially the ceiling with geometrical patterns and flowers with gold trim. The main altar is Baroque and is carved from cedar and gilded with gold leaf whose upper central portion of the image is in bulk from the "Virgin of the Rosary", the tabernacle is covered with plates of embossed silver and also has a lower espejería placed to reflect the candlelight and entering by the door and interior lighting help.

Subsequently decided to build a temple in his memory and the sculpture of a stone idol that according to some conquerors that saw it must be the image of a Christian apostle that passed through these lands as a rain of fire may relates to some eruption of volcano Kinsach'ata off today in the vicinity of the place, the proof is the existence of large amounts of dry lava (volcanic rock) throughout the area.

Within the complex, highlighting the presence of so-called "Temple of Wiraqocha", which according to tradition was ordered to be built by the Inka Wiraqocha in honor of the invisible God of the Andean High: Apu Kon Titi Wiraqocha. Pedro Cieza de Leon picked up the tradition that states that the temple was built after the appearance in place of a man who worked miracles, but the locals had decided to stone him, to go after him they found him kneeling with hands stretched out the sky and immediately after a rain of fire fell, repentant men left him, the strange man went to sea and sank in the waters disappearing forever.

Subsequently decided to build a temple in his memory and the sculpture of a stone idol that according to some conquerors that saw it must be the image of a Christian apostle that passed through these lands as a rain of fire may relates to some eruption of volcano Kinsach'ata off today in the vicinity of the place, the proof is the existence of large amounts of dry lava (volcanic rock) throughout the area.

The Temple of Wiraqocha "is a grandiose construction for its time, architecture is classified as" kallanka. " Moreover, in this place are very important sectors remains "wayranas" party wall with one similar to that found in the sector "industrial" in Machu Picchu whose specific function is unknown, is on the other hand, a lot of "qolqas" walled type pirka. "


It is a district of the province about 40 miles Quispicanchis east of the city of
Qosqo and 3100 meters above sea level. Andahuaylillas is a cozy village with a rather mild warm climate as a result of being surrounded by mountains and the left bank of the river "Vilcanota" which is hereinafter called "Urubamba" fertile lands are privileged and the people are quiet friendly.
In his extensive main square, adorned with "rams" and palm trees are its most valuable jewel: Andahuaylillas colonial church, considered the "Sistine Chapel" of the Americas, the quality of the artwork found in interior. This church was built on some important Inka building, possibly a "Waka" since the foundations of the church were made with carved andesite typical of Quechua religious architecture; to turn around are the remains of other Inca constructions, highlighting transitional architecture cover (transition from the colonial Inka) at west side of the church with sculptures of two beasts in the doorway.

Entering the church by her front door, inside, left, is the baptistery, about half its entry point is read the words "I baptize you in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit Amen ", the interesting thing is that this form is in five languages ​​in effect at the time of the construction of the church, Latin, Spanish, Quechua, and Aymara Pukina (Pukina is now an extinct language.)
In the back of the facade, that is within, and on both sides of the door are murals depicting a profane and attractive way busy driving to hell and a virtuoso at the sky.


Constitutes a National Archaeological Park, which in turn includes many other nearby archaeological sites, covering an area of ​​3.421 hectares. Located in the province east of Quispicanchis Qosqo and 32 kms. away by the current paved road leading to Puno and Arequipa, covers territory in the districts of Oropeza, Lucre and Andahuaylillas near Lake Wakarpay which is 3200 m

It should be noted that in the Peruvian Andes are about 12 thousand small freshwater lakes as Wakarpay, almost all rich in flora and fauna, but there was usually inhabited by wild ducks reeds of various kinds, geese, parihuanas (Flemish), etc. and fish among which the trout and mackerel. "Pikillaqta is composed Quechua word meaning" people of fleas "(" piki "= flea," llaqta "= people), this is not the original name of the area or the main population, now ignores his name in the Inkario and even worse it had in earlier times.


The pre-Hispanic people Pikillaqta is located 3350 meters above sea level and corresponded to a satellite city of the Wari Culture developed in the present department of Ayacucho. The Wari culture is a mixture of cultural elements of cultures Warpa, Nazca and Tiawanako, launched the start of its territorial expansion and then the Wari invasion Qosqo Valley around the year 750 AD to develop until about 1100 AD
Everything indicates that at the beginning of the Wari Inkario were defeated in the region, conquered and absorbed the city being reused for the interests of Tawantinsuyo.
According to some estimates in its heyday must have a population of about 10 thousand people, the city has a very harmonious geometrical design and almost perfect, divided into blocks and straight streets.
Its buildings were 2, and up to 3 floors, with high walls made ​​of stone not worked with clay mortar, walls very thick at the base and decreasing width upwards. According to studies by the expedition led by Gordon Mc. Ewan in the early 90's, those walls were originally covered with mud reboque 9 cm. thick gypsum plaster, the floors also made ​​with a thick layer of plaster, showing that in the year 750 AD this was a white city, with narrow rooms certainly adapted to the length of the logs available in the area for the division of the floors or floors.

The floor is now seen in the corresponding place in most cases at the beginning of the second floor, first floor being covered by stones and other material on the upper floors that fell along the centuries .
In 1927, Roman Aparicio Fair, running excavations at the site found 40 small sculptures in sedalita (many call it "Turquoise") that are now exhibited in the Archaeological Museum of Qosqo, then was found a stone sculpture representing a puma in size. Not a few argue that the Inkas, Pikillaqta was used as a city for "mitimaes", ie whole nations or peoples displaced from their original regions.


It was an important and a greater shrine, which worshiped the water with care and reverence with which the Incas tried to that item.
This ancient Inca village is located 23 km. southeast of the Inca capital, at an altitude of 3,560 meters, but the highest area of the park is in the open for Ranraq'asa about 3.850 meters. Belongs to the district of Oropesa, province of Quispicanchis in Cusco.

To get here, take a detour at Km 22 of the road leading to Puno, a small town Choquepata. We follow the main road to the modest adobe church and turn left onto a paved road in fair condition that winds uphill for about 4 km. (10 min), not to be missed. You can take a private tour, private transport or public transport within 50 minutes from the city of Cusco. According to legend, Tipon is one of the royal gardens built by Wiracocha.

Consists of twelve terraces bordered by stone walls and huge platform perfectly polished, these are quite large and as it rises, decrease in size as well as canals and ornamental waterfalls. Apparently, Tipon was part of the real estate Yahuarhuaca while, a place for religious worship and agricultural experimentation. Highlights of the harmony achieved greatly in running the water through the fine stone structures as aqueducts, some of them underground or falls gullies.

Because of its location and the presence of a protective wall Tipón have been a very exclusive place, interdependence with other sectors that have different names among those who have Intiwatana west, "Pukutuyuq", "Pukara", "Hatun Waykan 'o ", etc..
To the southwest of the group, almost vertical face of the hill is the cemetery called "Pitopuqyo", now contains rows of graves looted. It should be noted that throughout the park are many diverse cultural relics, including thousands of ceramic surface.


Moray is a wonderful archaeological complex, comprised of wonderful farming terraces, enormous terraces that overlap concentrically, in the form of a giant amphitheater. These beautiful terraces formed a large laboratory setting, in which the ancient Peruvians saw and obtained improvements. Were achieved incredible advances in agriculture, which is their main activity and the basis of their economic development.

The huge circular terraces of Moray is located 53 km from Cusco by road to the valley of Urubamba.

Moray Archeological Complex
The great and bold design of the buildings Inca had no limits to the ancient Peruvians. A throughout the world, men generally were building from the ground up. In Moray worked down, withdrawing extraordinary amounts of rock and stones, and employing thousands of workers over several generations, to form several clusters of platforms in almost perfect circular shape. It is possible that the word Moray has to do with the term "amoray" with which was called to the harvest of corn, or "moraya" or "moray" which was the name of dehydrated potato.

The journalist and writer, Alfonsina Barrionuevo, defines this monument as follows: "At about 7 km. Maras are the hanging gardens of Moray built a gigantic hole in the ground. A circular terraces descend to a depth of 150 meters. There, the Incas cultivated corn, quinoa, panti, kantu flowers and other plants in the process of experiment for pleasure of their masters. A system of canals, where rain is deposited today assured irrigation of the terraces terraced amphitheater. Moray was undoubtedly an artificial paradise of plants and flowers, somewhat like a greenhouse warm in the interior of the earth itself. "

The walls had to take advantage of natural depressions in the ground, which shaped according to a master architectural plan. This plan included the construction of a network of aqueducts and drains, irrigation and the escape of product water from precipitation river. His perfection was such that even today it works flawlessly.

A Great Agricultural Laboratory in the Andes, creating Microclimate
Experts agree that Moray was a complex of structures for agricultural use. Currently in the plain MARENA grow potatoes, beans, wheat, barley, very small proportion is cultivated corn, because the cold is not suitable for this crop. Until recent years, local farmers still cultivate maize in the lands of Moray, but then was banned for preservation of the monument.

At some point the people of the plateau and the valley fell out, interrupting the exchange of products. This is where the need arises to adjust the height maizalera land and decided to dig these giant funnels to get shelter in some field for growing corn. We confirmed the existence of different microclimates, we found that the lowest level recorded the highest temperature, followed by the natural pampas outside terraces and finally, the last stands recorded the lowest temperature. It is possible that the ancient inhabitants of the place, for some reason, they should require a greater quantity of corn and maybe that was the cause to build this magnificent archaeological site.


Maras is located 46 kilometers from Cusco, the Sacred Valley in Urubamba province, lies at a depth of 3,375 meters.

As tourist attractions has:

A colonial church, the church of San Francisco de Asis, on the outskirts of the city, its mud walls rest on a foundation of stone masonry;

In a saline area, it is an outcrop of salt springs, these are conducted at various evaporation ponds, where cycles of about 24-30 days the 120 families involved in this activity was withdrawn after being salt iodine is sold in the local market.

The salt mines in the region have been exploited since Inca times, and during the colonial period were the first salt-producing center in the southern part of the saw.

Alfonsina Barrionuevo in his book "Magic Cusco" slogan on the origin of this population: "The gangs think they descended from the old gang who left the heart of a mountain, the sacred Tanpu T'oqo. This mountain of legend exists in the province of Paruro and had three windows. Of the greater Qhapaq T'oqo called "window of the gentlemen", came the Ayar brothers, founders of Tahuantinsuyo. Of the other came the cameras and the drums.



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